Injections: recommendations for their safe use


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– Piercing the body with a needle is not without risk, especially if the person giving the injection was not well prepared. Common side effects from improper drug use are:

  • Pain
  • hematoma
  • Scar tissue formation
  • Infection or abscess
  • HIV or hepatitis (if needles are shared)

Injection problems are independent of the type of medication inside the syringe. They are caused solely by a needle puncture. It doesn’t matter if the syringe contains a steroid, growth hormone, insulin, or synthetol.

Pain. Intramuscular injections give two types of pain. The first is a sharp bite when the needle enters the flesh. The second is a deep feeling of irritation as the needle pushes the muscle fibers to the side, creating a bag for the fluid. The higher the fluid volume, the stronger the pain. Large muscles such as the buttocks, that is, the buttocks and thighs, can comfortably receive two or three millimeters of fluid. Smaller muscles, such as the deltoid muscle, have a limit of one millimeter. The fluid disappears when the drug is absorbed, but the tip remains slightly damaged and inflamed due to the needle for a while longer. The intensity of the pain and how long the drug remains before it is absorbed depends on the gender and brand of the drug. For example, many steroid users report that the sustanon kaufen injection causes excruciating pain. This slow, oil-based steroid stays in the muscles for several days and pain can last up to a week. If you inject it in the same place for several days, you can double the amount of fluid that has entered the muscle, and take twice the damage and double the pain. Water-based injectables such as Winstrol tend to work faster, absorb faster, and generally cause less pain than oil-based drugs.

The size of the needle partly determines the amount of pain. Larger diameter needles do more damage than thinner needles. The diameter of the needles (in millimeters) is indicated as “g”. The higher the “gauge” value, the thinner the needle. Obviously, thinner needles cause less tissue damage. However, if the needle is thinner, it becomes more difficult to pass it through the liquid, and the viscosity of the oil-based steroids is simply excessive to pass through these thin needles. As if a huge pit bull wanted to enter the kitten’s cattery through a small door. Small suspended particles in some steroids, such as Winstrol, can clog the needle if it is small. The rule of thumb is that oil-based steroids can be injected with a 22 (0.7 mm) needle and less viscous water-based steroids with 23 or 25 needles. To make injections more comfortable and safe, especially if given regularly, it is best to choose the smallest needle possible.
If you do not treat the infection, it can spread and make you feel ill with the onset of a fever.

Hematoma. Every time the needle sticks to the muscle, a little bleeding is inevitable. This is not a problem under normal conditions. But if the needle enters a blood vessel, the loss of blood in the surrounding tissue can cause an invisible hematoma (although it is still painful). An injection-induced hematoma usually does not require medical attention, but it takes more than a week to clear up. Hematoma can be minimized by applying pressure directly to the injection site with a cotton swab or tissue. Continue pressing for a few minutes until you are sure the bleeding has stopped. Remember, the Nurse Professional always sucks before injection. If the syringe fills with blood, it means the needle is stuck in a blood vessel. It is dangerous to inject an oil-based steroid directly into a vein, so if blood gets into the syringe you must remove it and change the point.

Scar tissue . The syringe needle does damage the muscle. When it penetrates, it makes a small hole, the healing of which involves scarring. The minimal scar after the puncture is not a concern, but if there are many injections, widespread scar tissue formation can occur. Injections that are made later in this area of ​​scar tissue are more difficult and painful. It’s like trying to put a needle through the sole of a shoe – you just need a hammer. What many bodybuilders don’t realize is that scar tissue has nothing to do with muscle – and it doesn’t shrink. It covers muscles like a golf ball.
Scar tissue injection molds from Synthol – a practice I call “localized modeling”. The muscle tissue becomes inflamed, eventually forming a pile of scar tissue that looks like a tumor. The dot is incapable of contracting: it is a false bulge, like padding on a bra. How to reduce scarring to a minimum? You should reduce the number of injections in one place. Let your poor buttocks rest. There are other ways to do this: stop injecting (yes), reduce the amount of injecting drugs, or change the points where you inject. Changing the points you enter yourself at means using different points each time, avoiding at least going back to the same point for up to a week or two. For you to understand this point, let’s say that for more than a legitimate reason, you should give yourself injections. The Nurse Professional selects a different injection site each time. For example: first time on the right buttock; second from left; the third on the right thigh; fourth on the left thigh; then again on the right buttock, etc. Got it?
Let your poor buttocks rest, you need to reduce the number of injections in one place to avoid excessive scar tissue formation.

Nerve damage. Be careful, because injection elsewhere on the body is not as dangerous as you think. Over the years, I have treated several bodybuilders for injection complications. It’s scary how bodybuilders play with their version of Russian roulette, injecting steroids, randomly sticking needles in different parts of the body, not knowing the location of the nerves and blood vessels. Almost all muscles are very innervated and close to important anatomical structures. For example, the radial nerve is located directly under the triceps horseshoe; The sciatic nerve is located below the lower gluteus muscle, and the vast interior of the quadriceps muscle is located above the lining of the knee joint. If you missed the needle and took an artery or vein, further blood loss determines a rather large hematoma. If you pierce a nerve, you feel like an electric shock. A damaged nerve can become numb and a muscle can weaken.
A nerve damaged by a needle can become numb and a muscle weaken.

What are the safest injection sites? Unfortunately, a detailed lesson on anatomy is beyond the scope of this article, but medical texts will tell you that there are three generally accepted safe points for intramuscular injections:

  • upper and outer quadrant of the buttocks;
  • outside the quadriceps, mid to top;
  • outside the deltoid muscle.

Infections . Another likely side effect of a mishandled injection is infection. Usually occurs due to accidental contamination of the needle. All injections should be done with sterile instruments and in a clean environment, not ending with a needle. The gym locker room is by no means a sterile place.
It can be used to reduce the risk of infection by cleaning the skin with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. If the needle gets dirty after discarding the syringe from the sterile container, you risk becoming infected with bacteria. This can lead to a purulent abscess, which usually needs to be cut with a scalpel or surgically removed. Fake or fake steroids that have not been properly sterilized can increase the risk of bacterial infections.
How to tell if a puncture site is infected? Okay, the area will be sore, swollen, red and hot to the touch. It gets worse over time, not better. In contrast, pain and redness from irritation with the injection, but not from infection, go away after a few days. If you don’t heal the infection, it can spread and make you feel sick with a fever. If you get to this point, you should see a doctor immediately.
Almost all muscles are very innervated and close to important anatomical structures.
For example, the radial nerve is just below the horseshoe-shaped triceps.

Hepatitis and HIV . A more serious complication is related to needle exchange. This practice is dangerous for the transmission of HIV (AIDS) and hepatitis B or C. There were several known cases of HIV infection in the 1980s due to the mixed use of needles among bodybuilders, but we hope that today no one is crazy enough to trade these toys. …
If someone jumps off a ravine, do you imitate him? Or will you stop for a moment to look down before jumping, considering the consequences of the action, instead of regretting it when it’s too late? Self-use of steroids is illegal, as is the possession of needles and syringes. If you are not a healthcare professional, intramuscular injections can be risky, so please make safe and smart decisions. If you have any problems, seek immediate medical attention.

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